Fund our Innovation – WebGrab Tool


Fund Raise for WebGrab:- An All-In-One Scrappting Tool

Support us with Rs. 600. Our Goal is to Raise Rs.10000 to make it at a larger Level.




Text Extraction

  • Precise Targeting: Accurately extracts specific text content based on defined criteria.
  • Contextual Understanding: Captures text within specific elements, paragraphs, or sections.
  • Dynamic Content Handling: Handles dynamic content, ensuring up-to-date data extraction.

Image Extraction

  • High-Quality Downloads: Retrieves images in their original format and quality.
  • Bulk Downloading: Efficiently downloads multiple images simultaneously.
  • Image Filtering: Filters images based on criteria like size, format, or relevance.

Data Extraction

  • Comprehensive Data Capture: Extracts a variety of data, including text, images, links, and more.
  • Structured Data Extraction: Organizes extracted data into structured formats like CSV, JSON, or XML.
  • Dynamic Content Handling: Adapts to changes in website structure and content.

Additional Features

  • Customizable Scraping Rules: Allows users to define specific rules to target and extract desired data.
  • High-Speed Performance: Efficiently scrapes websites at high speeds.
  • Scalability: Handles large-scale data extraction projects.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with various platforms and tools for seamless workflows.

The Selling Model of Our Product is Ready. We are soon coming with more Variations (1 of which we have uploaded which is the News Extraction Tool). It Requires and Investment of Rupees 600 and we would like to raise Rs. 10000.


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