Fund our Innovation | LADARS (Landslide Advanced Detection and Rescue System)


Introducing LADARS (Landslide Advanced Detection and Rescue System). Minimum days for shipment: 3 days. Product can be controlled with mobile phone.
This innovation is being developed by students of SHEMROCK SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, MOHALI.


LADARS is a pre-production prototype with functioning features, it is a scaled version of what we aim to develop. LADARS revolutionizes disaster rescue operations with its Robust, Amphibious design, Advanced life-detection sensors,  Traffic monitoring and Debris-clearing capabilities.

Implementing our versatile rover in real-life rescue operations
can significantly enhance the speed, efficiency, and safety of
disaster response efforts. Its multifunctional capabilities,
combined with real-time communication and traffic
management, make it a transformative tool that can save lives,
reduce risks, and optimize resources during emergencies.

It ha the following practical applications:

– Mountain and Avalanche Rescue: Operates in difficult mountainous terrains for rapid rescue operations.

– Military Rescue: Assists army operations in avalanches and earthquake zones.

– Civil Administration: Helps restore infrastructure by clearing landslides and debris.

– Mining and Tunnel Rescue: Navigates underground to locate and rescue trapped individuals.

– Flood and Wildfire Relief: Clears debris in flooded or fire-affected areas to ensure quick access for emergency services.

– Railway and Road Restoration: Removes landslides to restore crucial transportation routes quickly.

– Urban Search and Rescue: Locates survivors in building collapses or earthquake-affected areas.

– Glacier and Iceberg Monitoring: Detects hazardous shifts in glaciers or icebergs for early rescue warnings.

– Border Security: Operates in remote and hazardous border areas, providing surveillance and obstacle clearing.

The design can be potentially upgraded to an amphibious design thus enhancing its versatility


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