
Solar Tracker

Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹800.00.

The solar tracker is an advanced system with two 6V 0.8W solar panels that automatically adjust their position to follow the sun, using a TDA2822 IC, LDRs, and motors for optimal energy capture. It includes a potentiometer for fine-tuning, maximizing solar efficiency and promoting sustainable energy use.

SKU: 87 Category:


The solar tracker is a smart system designed to enhance solar panel efficiency by automatically following the sun’s movement throughout the day. It consists of two 6V 0.8W solar panels, controlled by a TDA2822 IC and light-dependent resistors (LDRs) that track sunlight intensity. The system adjusts the solar panel orientation using motors, ensuring maximum energy capture. A potentiometer allows for fine-tuning the system’s sensitivity to light, optimizing performance. This solar tracker not only boosts electricity generation but also contributes to sustainable energy management, making it ideal for both educational and practical applications.


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